Q_room is an extremely intense psychological horror world.

  • RobertWK’s Review: I haven’t really noticed qchan949’s worlds listed in VRChat’s listings very often. The possible exception is their world “Q.T”, a spin on P.T. Silent Hills that feels a little too much like the source material. Q_room however is something completely different. It still takes some inspiration from the “looping horror” genre, but includes some imagery and mechanics that are both genuinely disturbing and create a sense of unease. This world gave me the willies and made me feel incredibly uncomfortable at some points. Any horror world that is able to create those kinds of feelings for me I think deserves a spot on our list. In some ways this is right up there with F.E.A.R.S. This world is a little bit older than most (last updated in 2021) but still delivers a solid psychological horror experience. If you’re looking for horror content in VRChat, then check this one out. (Rating: 8.5)
  • Katchy’s Review: At first I thought this was just a rip off of Silent Hill 4: The Room. While the overall layout is similar, there’s more to it than that. It has a pseudo-PT vibe where you are in the same apartment the whole time but it changes slightly as you progress. There are some good scares here and if you’re like me you might get a chuckle out of a few of them. (Rating: 8)

  • (Author: qchan949) (PCVR/Quest:PCVR) (Last Updated: 05/18/2021)

    Average Rating: 8.3


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