VRChat is an interface between the real and the virtual, that offers access to a rich variety of worlds. World creators put out creations that are either connected or independent from each other. Sometimes they’re thematic collections and sometimes they’re sequels. Sometimes there are easter eggs that refer back to another location. We are no stranger to massive puzzle worlds that are referential. There are some projects that are remarkable in both content and execution.

In January of 2024 a world went into VRChat labs (the public world open beta program) called “Hole”. It was an unusual location that on first visit didn’t reveal anything about its internal contents. It contained a tower in the middle of a field at night. An outdoor lamp hung unlit outside the entrance.

The gentle music and visual tone set a mood of curiosity. There was nothing that could be discerned from our usual explorative poking and prodding techniques that we have learned from other puzzle worlds. Typical clues such as world file size usually indicate that there is something below the surface, even if you can’t access it immediately. What it lacked in visible depth did not kill our interest.

The first visit resulted in very little, but a subsequent visit was fruitful. A brief window of access was permitted, and we gave ourselves a tour of the early version. 

The internals of this early version of Hole were amazing and beautiful. The world creator, Plantotzco, assembled a lavish environment that gave off impressions of Art Deco, Spanish Revival, European, and Eastern Architectures. There were arches, outdoor scenes with pottery and agriculture, Spanish Gazebos and gentle rustling winds that moved the foliage with the breeze. The environment invoked feelings of being inside of a painting; it felt alive. 

In early February, Hole resurfaced out of labs and had some unusual changes. A pedestal was placed outside that had a keypad. Clicking on it spawned a portal on top of the entrance asking if you had found out the secret. That portal took you to a world with an unusual and intentional name, “No One is Here.” The name is possibly a way to intentionally avoid googling answers for how to get in. Searching for “No One is Here VRChat” gets you results of people who say that no one is on VRChat anymore, or how to avoid negative experiences on the platform.

No One is Here takes you to the primary vortex where the entire Hole experience starts. A puzzle exists to figure out how the other worlds by Plantotzco relate to the secret of getting into Hole

Hole is unique because it appears to be a living project, with updates happening regularly. Inside the current version (as of February 4, 2024) there are snippets from other maps by the creator, as well as custom rooms for people who are permanent residents/inhabitants of it. The individual rooms vary in style and theme, but are made just as well as the rest of the map itself.

The code and puzzle to get into Hole has also changed many times since it came out of labs in February, demonstrating Plantotzco’s commitment to make it a dynamic space. We were told that every time someone discovers the code to get in, it changes so that the challenge also stays fresh.

Hole’s environments are detailed, artistic, and show an immense amount of care and love for the project. Plantotzco has a good eye for making the world seem like a dream, travelling from painting to painting as you explore the space. It is refreshing to see a creator show inspiration from and appreciation of classical art. Monet paintings are displayed in their personal section of Hole and in worlds associated with it. 

Hole and the related worlds are definitely worth a visit, if you can solve the puzzle to get in. The atmosphere of the world is technically impressive. It is one of those worlds that will likely offer a different visual treat between visits. The puzzles are of average difficulty and are not obscure, so time and patience should be the only limitations you need to overcome to enter. Definitely add this one to your list and check it out when you get a chance. Bring along a friend or two to share the experience together.

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