Static Two is a journey through familiar worlds to finally turn off a dimensional gateway to horror.

  • RobertWK’s Review: I originally didn’t think Static Two should be on this site, but it grew on me the more I debated it. Even though Static Two is billed as a sequel and a conclusion, it stands on it’s own as a singular experience. The world draws from some pop-culture horror influences while simultaneously inserting itself in the segments where those are present as its own horror element. The main idea that it draws from certainly isn’t unique, but I think it’s executed uniquely enough to not just be a wholesale rip-off of the source material(s). The world does have a few flaws that stop it from getting a higher score: the primary being the odd scale that some of the segments are rendered in. If you’re a fan of worlds dropping you into familiar fictional locations (similar to Frame of Reference) then you will probably enjoy this experience. (Rating: 7)
  • Katchy’s Review: Static Two is a pretty decent horror experience all in all, and a much better journey than the first Static. After playing both, it’s nice to see how the creator’s work got better. The art design is better with a landscape of multiple monitors tossed about and piled up in different areas, and the overall vibe is pretty spooky. The monster that chases you is kinda silly looking but it works well here, and the way it chases you throughout the various locations is unique. I liked seeing The Overlook Hotel from The Shining, and there’s a clever bit where you do have to utilize and axe to escape. There are a few scuffed bits, but thankfully those bits don’t ruin the experience as you can easily respawn and catch up to where you were if you need to. It’s a decent, short horror romp! (Rating: 7)

  • (Author: RacBones) (PCVR/Quest:Both) (Last Updated: 10/21/2023)

    Average Rating: 7.0


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