A infinite library where all texts are kept. Search for your desires (as long as they are 500 characters max) and it will be in there.

  • RobertWK’s Review: This is one of those worlds where on the surface it appears to be one thing, but there is something underneath. It is definitely a work of art. The designer put in a lot of creative effort to pull off such a fascinating technical feat that it would be amazing if it could work as a real infinite library. There is a limit of 500 characters in any search, but every string of text has a real location and a physical asset that can be looked through. This is one of those locations that despite being designed for Spookality2023, might be a good place to check out a few times afterwards. (Rating: 9)
  • Katchy’s Review: I didn’t know what to expect with this one but I was pleasantly surprised. I’m still not sure how the tech works here but it’s very impressive. The library itself feels endless, and it’s amazing that you can find any word you want here (supposedly). We were able to find “Virtual Worldhoppers” in a book, so that was pretty cool. It seems like if you explore a bit more you’ll start to find unusual things, like some of the rooms turned red, and the hole in the floor either started disappearing or the railing around it disappeared. We also found a short dresser at some point which was strange considering we had never seen it anywhere else. It makes me think that there’s even more to discover here than what we found. I wasn’t sure why this was made for Spookality at first, or maybe it just happened to be done by the time the jam was active, but I do see a subtle sort of spookiness to it as the world started to change around us, so I definitely think it fits the theme. (Rating: 9)

  • (Author: mahu) (PCVR/Quest:Both) (Last Updated: 10/18/2023)

    Average Rating: 9.0


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