Voodoo Kingdom Episode: 0 is a Resident-Evil inspired game made entirely within VRChat.

  • RobertWK’s Review:

    The creators behind The Hotel Qadesh Project put out an entire Resident Evil inspired game in VRChat, and it’s impressive for the platform.

    Voodoo Kingdom Episode: 0 contains a decently written story, and gunplay action that is reminiscent of arcade-style lightgun games. The environments are detailed and contain various types of zombies. There isn’t as much variety in the weapons as I’d like, but the action is satisfying and challenging at certain points. We were able to get through this game with only two of us, but certainly additional players would be more fun.

    The locations the game travels through are interesting and varied, with a somewhat forgiving respawn system in the event that a player gets killed. Some of the locations I did not love, but thankfully they were only a small segment relative to the entire game.

    If you’re looking for zombie-slaying arcade action in VRChat and want to pass a few hours of play, then check this world out.

    (Rating: 8.5)

  • Katchy’s Review:

    It’s hard to tell what this world is at first glance – the thumbnail doesn’t exactly offer much to people that don’t speak Japanese, but I felt there was something unique about this world and I’m glad we checked it out. It feels a lot like any other first person shooter but of course it’s in VR and you can play with friends!

    There’s really not enough like this in VRChat. The majority of shooter worlds are primarily player-versus-player rather than player-versus-environment. It’s got a few bugs and walking back to where you were when you die can be a bit of a drag when you’re with other people, but the world itself is quite fun and worth checking out.

    (Rating: 8)

  • (Author: ․ムシコロリ) (PCVR/Quest:PCVR) (Last Updated: 11/12/2022)

    Average Rating: 8.3


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