Suzu Oil is a minimalist technical oil painting simulator that implements paint physics with a high degree of visual accuracy in VRChat.

  • RobertWK’s Review:

    Suzuoil is a minimalist world created by suzuki_i, who has made other worlds with impressive technical feats:

    Eccentric Objects, Eccentric Rooms, and Escher. This world does lack typical social objects such as screens, pens, chairs, beds, and media players but it makes up for those things in probably the most amazing painting implementation I have seen so far on VRChat. Not only are there different sized brushes, but the paint applied to the canvas shows depth and texture with every stroke, meaning that no stroke resembles another, ever. The effect is incredible at high resolution, and it is absolutely worth your time to flex your creative skills here.

    (Rating: 7.5)

  • Katchy’s Review: I was a bit blown away by how realistic the painting was in this world, I think it’s even better than Finishing Touch. The paint dries with realistic shine and gloss to it, and you can even thicken up the paint to give it some extra texture which is just wild to me. The only issues I have are the palette is quite small and there’s not much variation in brushes except for size, the world itself is pretty basic and there’s nothing to really inspire you, and you can’t see the paintings of others around you except for a very low-res rendition. I’d like to see this world get expanded upon because there’s some incredible potential here. (Rating: 8)

  • (Author: suzuki_i) (PCVR/Quest:PCVR) (Last Updated: 11/22/2023)

    Average Rating: 7.8


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