Marble Puzzles is a unique physics based puzzle world put out by Jar.

  • RobertWK’s Review: I’m not sure how this one never popped up for me on the world browser list, but in most of the ways it did not disappoint! This is another world put out by Jar, and one I wish that would get an update. The name of the world doesn’t do it justice as this is a fun and challenging set of puzzles to get through, with no “one way” to get the correct solution for any of them. If you have some time, go check this world out. Unfortunately it is not fully synchronized between players, so sometimes the marble will drop differently for people in the same instance. (Rating: 8.5)
  • Katchy’s Review: I had this in my list for so long but I’m glad we finally checked it out. The puzzles are somewhat challenging because there are more than enough pieces to finish the puzzle, which I appreciate. There’s some desync when you start trying to get the marble to bounce but it’s not a huge deal–just keep that in mind if you come here with two or more people. (Rating: 8.5)

  • (Author: Jar) (PCVR/Quest:Both) (Last Updated: 08/19/2020)

    Average Rating: 8.5


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