Song Island is an amazing landscape featuring several landmarks with a high attention to detail.

  • RobertWK’s Review: I haven’t seen anything else by this creator before but if this is representative of their work as a whole, then I am looking forward to any other worlds that they might put out. The attention to detail in this world is very high, with well-constructed buildings and natural features. The island seems to have a history and a culture, despite being remote and sparsely inhabited. If you’re looking for a world which has a lot of care and consideration in its construction, exhibiting a sense of realism for both scale and presentation, then definitely check this one out. (Rating: 9)
  • Katchy’s Review: Song Island is a nice world with a charming island aesthetic that makes you feel like you’re somewhere on the east coast of the U.S. I like the use of color and sound here to paint a virtual picture. (Rating: 7.5)

  • (Author: YF04) (PCVR/Quest:PCVR) (Last Updated: 03/31/2024)

    Average Rating: 8.3


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