A virtual music store that features albums that can be picked up and played, like real record stores of yore.

  • RobertWK’s Review: Tanuki Tunes is as far as I know, the original version of the VRC record store music playing experience. I believe Polyworld has an almost direct copy of Tanuki Tunes in it, which goes to show how well made the concept is. There are some things related to AudioLink and EQ adjustment that seem to do nothing, which is somewhat unfortunate. Being able to browse albums and put them on a player is a nice tactile experience in VRC, and if you’re looking for a world just to hear some tunes, then definitely go here first. (Rating: 8)
  • Katchy’s Review: This is such a fun little world with lots of music to pick up and play on records in a record store-style setting. The music selection is varied and great! This world inspired me to create a record-playing world of my own because there’s just something fun about holding music in your hands and bringing it over to a working record player. (Rating: 8)
  • Ondanya’s Review: I am such a sucker for worlds that let you listen to music like this. I really enjoyed the wide selection and being able to put the record on the player while just sitting there like I was in a record store. (Rating: 9)

  • (Author: Juno Tanuki) (PCVR/Quest:Both) (Last Updated: 10/14/2023)

    Average Rating: 8.3


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