VRChat has a lot of interesting places to check out, and this year the Spookality 2023 World Jam brought a wide variety of Halloween/horror based content to look at and experience.

There were many entries to look at: some really good, some okay, and some just plain ugly. Thankfully for you–we have cut right to the meat of the best submissions. They range from mild good fun to extreme fear induction. These are the top five Jam worlds that we think you should spend your precious time visiting.

1. Area of the Dead

Area of the Dead is a low-terror experience that pits one player versus many in a simulation of a lightgun arcade cabinet. Team up to defeat a single player in a few stages, putting your ability to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge to avoid getting shot in VR. Use world geometries to obscure your position and pop out when the time is right to maximize your chances of success!

Visit “Area of the Dead”.
See our review of Area of the Dead.

2. Mayfly

Mayfly is a short psychological horror experience that uses pacing, lighting, and visuals to get inside your head. Even if you do not scare easily, Mayfly may still transform your escalation into fear.

Visit “Mayfly”.
See our review of Mayfly.


MKRS is a subtle horror game with throwback visuals reminiscent of 16 bit 3D games, such as Resident Evil. The story is deep and the puzzles are sufficiently challenging. There is a sense of being watched as you progress through the narrative. If you like storied horror, then this is one you should not pass up.

Visit “MKRS”.
See our review of MKRS.

4. The Unicorn Glade

The Unicorn Glade is another 16-bit style horror world that brings the player into the experience. There is some nice technological nostalgia to appreciate, and a sense of obligation and duty to see this adventure to the end.

Visit “The Unicorn Glade”.
See our review of The Unicorn Glade.

5. F.E.A.R.S.

We saved the best and most intense for last. The goal of F.E.A.R.S. is to scare the shit out of you, and it just might succeed. There isn’t too much to review without giving anything away, but F.E.A.R.S. gets inside your head. If you’re a fan of intense horror, then absolutely check this place out. There are promised regular updates, so come back periodically to assess your opinion.

Visit “F.E.A.R.S.”.
See our review of F.E.A.R.S.

Thanks for checking out our Top 5 Spookality 2023 choices! There will be more of these down the road as we review more and more worlds to see in virtual spaces. If there were any that we missed that you think we should review for more Top 5s, then please submit them using the Submit A World form and leave a comment to let us know what you thought. Did you agree with our Top 5? Comment down below your thoughts on worlds you think that would be in your personal Top 5. Until next time!

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[…] that we missed that you think we should review for more Top 5s, then please submit them using the Submit a World form on this site and leave a comment to let us know what you thought. Did you agree with our Top 5? […]

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