Quick, Draw! is a VRC take on “Win, Lose, or Draw.”

  • RobertWK’s Review:

    “Win, Lose, or Draw”, originally created by ` and Bert Convy, has been on broadcast television in several forms since the late 80s, where it started off on NBC and featured mostly celebrities. It only lasted three seasons before having spinoffs that would launch onto Disney; Disney+ had its own version that launched in 2014. It has also had international versions with various titles that have been broadcasted in Canada (1988-1991), France (1989-1990, 1993), Scotland (!990-1993), and it’s longest running streak in the United Kingdom from 1990-1998, 1993, and 2004.

    Quick, Draw! is pretty much a VRC version of this, but is a game of individual competition rather than teams. The illustrator of the round is also on a stage similar to a theatre, as opposed to Turd Ferguson’s living room. The implementation is pretty good and the gameplay is solid, with only as much input as necessary. The rounds are configurable, and there are a variety of pen choices. If you’re looking for a competitive social drawing game, you can’t go wrong with this one.

    (Rating: 8)

  • Katchy’s Review:

    Quick, Draw! is a party game world that borrows much from Pictionary and other competitive drawing games, and works quite well in VR. It’s solidly designed and is very smooth to play. There’s not a whole lot to say about it except that it’s great and deserves a spot in your weekly game rotation.

    (Rating: 8)

  • (Author: Maki Maki) (PCVR/Quest:Both) (Last Updated: 02/18/2024)

    Average Rating: 8.0


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